
Friday, 29 September 2017

My Water Cycle Lantern!

For the last couple of weeks Room 11 has been doing Water Cycle Lanterns for writing. This is when we get 4 circles and on each circle we do a different topic on The Water Cycle. One circle is for an explanation of the water cycle and another one is for an illustration of the water cycle. The last two are for the meaning of the 4 main stages of a water cycle and a text about the different type of clouds. Here is my completed water cycle lantern!


My Diorama

The picture below is me and my group's inquiry diorama of the school in 1964. We had found a picture of Glen Taylor School in 1964 and thought it was really interesting. We decided to do it for our diorama. Here is a photo of our diorama!

Thursday, 28 September 2017


Today was the last day of Technology and for our session we had made pasta salad, which was delicious. I loved the taste and smell of it and it put a smile on my face. I can't wait to see what we make for the first day of Term 4! Here is a photo of what our pasta salad looked like!

Image result for pasta salad

Principals Assembly

Today is the last day of the term so we had a principal's assembly. Certificates were given out and notices were said. Mr Herlihy had shared with us a lot of things and it was very sad to be at the last assembly of the term. Our very own Pasifika Pearls and the Kapa Haka group of Glen Taylor School had performed as well! We had a great time at the assembly today. Here are some photos!

Wednesday, 27 September 2017


Today some of the students went to Bailey Road to represent Glen Taylor School in interschools where they raced some of the fastest runners from other schools. They went through a long course and they definitely tried there best to reach the end. Our runners did an absolutely amazing job and we are all proud of them! Here are some photos.

Friday, 22 September 2017

Pasifika Pearls perform at St Heliers!

Today Glen Taylor Schools Pasifika Pearls had performed for st Heliers. Our performance was 30 minutes long so Mrs Fa'alili had to ask a lot of people to join to make it one of the best performances we have ever done. Lucky a lot of people wanted to join so we did a fantastic job. We were really proud of ourselves and I think St Heliers loved it! Here are some photos.

My Positive Blog Comment!

One of the tasks we were given from Mrs Grant was to create a Screen Castify about one of our comments that we think is very positive and we had to explain why it is a positive comment. Here is my positive blog comment!

Quick Write #7

Here is another one of my quick writes that I am truly proud of! This quick write is about a glass house that shines brightly throughout the day. At night it turns into magic! Here is a photo and my quick write!

image of the day


This term we are focusing on explanations.  For one of our sessions with Miss Tupou we had to watch a slideshow that she presented about explanations and it's structure. When watching it there were treats given out and we had to make a google doc about explanations. Here is mine!

Assembly Wk9

Today it was Room 3's assembly. Sadly I had a Pasifika Pearls performance so I didn't get to see it but I do know that they did a fantastic job presenting there amazing work and other things that they had been doing in class. Here are some photos!

Thursday, 21 September 2017

Inquiry Introduction

For our dioramas we have to have a small introduction of what our diorama is about. I had created me and Drew's small explanation on slides. Here is our creative, amazing, wonderful, awesome and colourful slideshow! Hope you enjoy!

Last day of Orienteering!

For orienteering today we had a race to see who can finish two maps the fastest. Each map had 10 controls. We all got our time and I worked with Loto and Seth! I ended up getting around 19 minutes and something but I tried my best. I think that I could've done MUCH better but maybe next time, I can hopefully beat my time. There weren't any photos but here is a slideshow of the the photos that have been taken at orienteering over the term! 

Inquiry Dioramas

The following week Room 12 and 11 have been working on there inquiry dioramas. We were to buddy up into partners who have a similar question to yours and create a diorama with them! My buddy is Drew. We are focusing on changing landscapes. We decided to do Glen Taylor School in the past and what it looks like now. We are still working on it and we are creating a 3D model. Take a look at some of the photos that were taken of us working on our diorama!

Wednesday, 20 September 2017

Take a look at my blog comments!

Earlier I posted about blog commenting on a google slide. Well, I have been using that slide for more of my comment drafts. Here are the images of the different comments I have done!


This week for technology we made pizza's which were delicious. I enjoyed making these amazing treats in my group because we worked as a team to get it done and in the end we had FANTASTIC looking pizzas! Here is a photo of what our pizza looked like!

Image result for pizza hut

Having the right blog post!

With Mrs Grant today we learned how to make sure that our blog post is made correctly and has all the things we need when making it! Our activity was to choose a blog post and edit it to the expectations they are meant to be! We then had to screenshot it and place it onto a google drawing. Take a look at it!

Tuesday, 19 September 2017

Measurement Matters Part 5

For this activity we had tested how we have been doing with our lessons of estimation. Take a look at the activity I did!

Measurement Matters Task 4

Here is my next maths activity where we focused on Identifying Measurements. We had to estimate what we thought the length of each object given was! 

Measurement Matters Task 3

For this task we focused on converting metres into centimetres and centimetres into metres. Take a look at the work I did!

Measurement Matters Task 2

Here is my second tasks that we were given for maths! For this tasks we were focusing on accuracy!

Measurement Matters Task 1

For maths today we had tasks given to us online. Our task was to fill out a graph about measurements. Take a look at the first tasks. Keep tuned because I will be posting 4 more tasks for this measurement activity!

Fire Shields

Recently I posted about my Fire Statement for my shield. Fire is an acronym for Fun, Integrity, Respect and Excellence which are our school values! Take a look at the fire shields Room 11 had created

Wonder Novel Study 2

Here is the second Novel Study Slideshow we were given. Scroll down to see the Novel Study 1!

Wonder Novel Study 1

For reading we are reading the book Wonder. After reading several pages of the book we have a activities to do. Here is the first slideshow of activities that we were given. I will be posting the second slide as well.

Inquiry Diorama

This term Room 11 and Room 12 are doing Inquiry together. We are also buddy classes. For inquiry one person from each class gets into buddies and they create a diorama together based on their inquiry question. Before doing this activity we needed to create a doc having the materials we need for our diorama. My partner is Drew! Take a look at our simple doc.

Monday, 18 September 2017

Blog Comments

With Mrs Grant Room 11 all got a slideshow each where we practise our blog comments before posting it onto someones blog. I have completed two slides which is the amount that Miss Tupou told us to finish. Take a look at it!

Kids Can

At Glen Taylor School we made thank you cards for Kids Can who helped our school by giving us free shoes and raincoats to keep us warm and ready for school. We all enjoy wearing there raincoats and shoes that they gave us! Take a look at the photos of our thank you cards!

Duffy Books

At Glen Taylor School we have Duffy Assembly's each term where we meet with a role model that talks to us about how reading is important. When having these assemblies we get duffy books. Duffy books are basically books but each student gets 1 or 2 books for themselves to have! 

Maori Language Week

This week is Maori Language Week. Kelly and Saphire had created a slideshow for Room 11 so that we could learn a lot about the Maori Language. I enjoyed learning a different language and there were also some treats and a quiz for the students! Take a look at some photos!

Friday, 15 September 2017

Basketball Tournament

Every Wednesday's after school Glen Taylor School students have been having basketball games at the Tamaki Rec Center. There are 3 teams and I am in one of them. Our Room 12 team came 1st in the entire competition and Room 11's team came 7th! We had a lot of fun participating and representing our school with pride! 


Image result for basketball

Quick Write #6

This quick write is about being up in the clouds. A quick write is when Miss Tupou puts an image on the T.V and we write a small paragraph about it. Here is one of the quick write I wrote!

Thursday, 14 September 2017

Assembly Wk8

Today we had assembly. Room ... had presented there amazing work and I enjoyed watching their amazing assembly. Certificates were handed out and notices were told by the teachers. The same old usual stuff happened and we got to see lots of cool stuff! Take a look at some photos!

How many natural disasters can you say in a minute?

For homework our tasks was to try and see how many natural disasters we can say in a minute. I managed to get 8 natural disasters and created a poster about it. Here is my poster!