
Thursday, 7 December 2017

Summer Poem

I had just recently posted about my Summer Art. With our summer art we needed to have a short poem about summer. I had included all the things that summer reminds me off and why I love summer. Here is my poem!

Secret Santa 🎉🎁🎄🎅

This year Miss Tupou decided to do Secret Santa. Most of you should know what Secret Santa is but for those of you who don't, keep on reading! Secret Santa is when you pull a name out of a box, hat or other. You then have to go out to the shop and buy a gift for that person. Wrap it up and write the person's name on the gift. Don't write that it is from you because that would give away the fact that you are there Secret Santa! We have a budget of $10 so our gift must be $10 or under! We all can't wait to open our presents!
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Wednesday, 6 December 2017

Prize Giving 2017

Today Glen Taylor School had there amazing Prize Giving in the Park for 2017! Just like last year the school decided to have the prize giving outdoors - (This is why it is called Prize Giving in the Park!) There was a lot of awesome students that were awarded some academic and leadership awards. There was also a lot of parents and relatives there to cheer for there kids as they happily strolled onto the sage to get there prize! There was music, performances, food and a lot of happy faces! We had an incredible time and we can't wait for next year!

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With Mrs Grant we learnt how to use Thimble. We remixed an image and replaced it with a cybersmart message. I had a lot of fun using Thimble and Html! Here is my remixed Thimble!

Summer is HERE!

One of our art activities is to use summer colours to colour in our jandals. After that we write a poem about summer and stick our jandals and poem to a coloured paper. Then decorate and add in a title! Here is my Summer Artwork!


Last session with Mrs Grant

Today was Room 11's last session with Mrs Grant. We had a decision of creating a remix on thimble or playing the google game that was provided when you open a new tab! Here are some photos of our session!


Today Room 11 had there last session of Softball. We have really enjoyed our sessions and we are sad to say goodbye to our last Kiwi Sport of the year! Thanks to Craig and David for teaching us there awesome techniques. Here are some photos!

Head Students for 2018!

The Head Students for 2018 were announced at Prize Giving. Our Head Girl for 2018 is ME! Our Head Boy is Quinton! Our Deputy Head Girl is Brooklyn and our Deputy Head Boy is Mario! We are all proud of ourselves and we can't wait to represent our school with pride next year! We promise to make you all proud Glen Taylor School!
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Prize Giving

Today Glen Taylor School had there Prize Giving! Awards, Trophy's and Certificates were given out to all the amazing students that worked hard this year! We all had a great time and we can't wait for next year! I myself had received some awards and I am truly proud of myself. Glen Taylor School has surely worked there buts off! 

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Tuesday, 5 December 2017


Blue Lizards are you ready, ready?!
Yes we are ready, ready!

For one of our camp meetings we had to present our group chants.
My group is Blue Lizards and I personally think we did an amazing job! 
Here is our video!

Monday, 4 December 2017

Kiwi Kiwi Kiwi....


Today Room 11 had there last session of Kiwi Can. We decided to play a game of Man Hunt and Go Home Stay Home! Sadly no photos were taken but I can assure you it was very awesome!

Here are some photos of Room 11's Kiwi Can sessions over the year and how much fun we have had!

Saturday, 2 December 2017

Put on your DANCING shoes!

From Olden Days to Pop to Dancing to Latest to R&B to remixes to DJ Vino's Original Jams.

 Today in the evening Glen Taylor School had a fun and brilliant disco. There were students, teachers and even parents breaking it down on the dance floor. Thanks to DJ Vino for playing our awesome jams. Also thank you to the friends of the school for organising this event!I myself attended the disco and I can assure you that it was AWESOME! Sadly it was the last disco of the year but it was surely a great way to end our incredible year.

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Friday, 1 December 2017

Assembly Time!

Today was the senior assembly where Room 12 ad 11 had worked hard to present some things to the school and do awesome activities. The assembly was on entire video so no one had to present in front of the school. We did some really cool ice breakers. It was an awesome, funny and great assembly. Especially since school is coming to an end! Here are some screenshots of our slide we presented!

In the photo above Mario, Quinton and Marcus are giving a demonstration on how to play the cup game!

This is a part of Praize and Ethan's Thank You Speeches as they will be sadly leaving us next year! Also the other Year 8's that will be missed!

Here is our last slide of our assembly!