
Monday, 30 April 2018

What do you know about Anzac Day?

In class we created a document including things that we know and didn't know about Anzac Day. After listing those down we chose one of the things we didn't now about Anzac Day and researched to answer our question.

We then linked the 3 websites that helped us with our research and copied the text from the site that helped us to answer our findings. Take a look at my research on Anzac Day and see if you find out interesting facts about poppies that you have never heard of before!

Friday, 13 April 2018

Fun Day 2018

Today Glen Taylor School had their very own Fun Day! This event was run by the Student Leadership Team! There were different activities to enjoy between each house and I'm sure we all had a lot of fun! I know I did!

There was some awesome music being played by the DJ Student Leaders and also some wet activities which means ... YES! We got wet! We also had some House VS House activities in the last block and in the end Taurere (Green) was the winning house of our Fun Day 2018! Everyone cheered for their house during the activities and it was a great way to end of our first term for 2018!

Here are some photos of our exciting day!

Wednesday, 11 April 2018

What different poems do you know?

For writing we are learning about poems. We learnt 9 different poems. We then wrote our very own poems. Using the same 9 poems we learnt about, we wrote all those different poems. We used the example that was given to write each of those poems. 

Here are the 9 different poems we wrote:


I decided to create a presentation including the 9 different poems that we learnt about! I had a lot of fun learning about a variety of poems and getting the chance to write our very own as well! Here is the presentation I created!

Friday, 6 April 2018

Have you filled someone's bucket today?

In class we created our very own posters abut how to fill other's buckets. Firstly, we read a book named "Have you filled a bucket today?". We then got the chance to create our own posters about the book and include images to show how we understood the moral of the book!

I enjoyed reading this book because it included a positive message for the reader! It is a very inspiring children's book and it tells us that it is good to be kind to others and to show them love! Here is an example of how to fill someone's bucket!

Homework Wk9 T1

This week we were given homework. We were given tasks to do with reading, writing, spelling, maths and also some extra work that I decided to complete as well. I enjoyed doing my homework this week because we were given very fun tasks. Theses tasks allowed me to use my creativity with creating posters. I enjoyed the extra homework because we had to create a brochure for a country that we could choose! I chose Japan and made the best brochure possible! Even though I am not familiar with that a brochure is, I think it turned out great! Take a look at my homework for the last week of Term 1!

Thursday, 5 April 2018

Heat Pumps

A couple of students from Room 11 wrote a proposal to the Board of Trustees explaining why they think we should have heat pumps in each class. They discussed about this at their meeting and today we received a reply. Here is our proposal toward the board and there reply!

Wednesday, 4 April 2018

Do you know about the Dawn Raid?

In class we watched a video created by students from AUT. For LCS we have been focusing on Migration and the Dawn Raid. The video we watched is about The Dawn Raid and a man named Ioane that had faced the trouble of the Dawn Raid. We then created our very own poem about either the Dawn Raid or Migration. We had to add in a couple of figurative language and use our senses so that our writing was more descriptive! Here is my poem about the Dawn Raid!
