
Thursday, 31 May 2018


In class we did a geography task that was given by Miss Tupou. In this task we had to research for answers to questions that were given from Miss Tupou. We then had to give facts about the Bermuda Triangle. This was a very fun activity to complete and enjoyed it. Let's see if you can figure out some of the answers to these questions. 

What is the longest river in Australia? Murray River
Image result for Murray River
What is by surface area, the largest island in the Mediterranean sea?  Sicily
Image result for What is by surface area, the largest island in the Mediterranean sea?
What is the highest mountain in Africa? Mount Kilimanjaro
Image result for Kilimanjaro
Which country is the second largest in South America by surface area? Brazil
Image result for Which country is the second largest in South America by surface area?
Which mountain’s summit is the farthest point on the earth’s surface from the earth’s centre? Chimborazo
Image result for Which mountain’s summit is the farthest point on the earth’s surface from the earth’s centre?
What is the world’s largest landlocked country? Kazakhstan
Image result for kazakhstan
What is the tallest mountain on earth? Mt Everest
Image result for what is the tallest mountain on earth
Where is the Mammoth cave? Kentucky, USA
Image result for where is the mammoth cave

Which country is the second largest in Africa, by surface area? Algeria
The Largest Countries in Africa

What is the earth’s third largest continent? Asia
Image result for asia places

What is the most populated country in the world? China
Image result for china places

7 Facts about the Bermuda Triangle
It is located in the western part of the North Atlantic Ocean.
The Bermuda Triangle is also known and the Devil’s Triangle.
Christopher Columbus was the first person to report about the Bermuda Triangle.
The area of the triangle ranges from 1,300,000 to 3,900,000 km.
When near the triangle, compasses seem to strangely stop working.
The Bermuda Triangle is believed to be the home of the Atlantis. Others believe it is an alien territory and others think it is a time portal but no one really knows.
Many ships, planes and humans have entered the Bermuda Triangle and have never been seen afterwards.

Tuesday, 29 May 2018

Choices in the community!

For LCS, Room 11 has been focusing on Choices in the Community. We created presentations that included 3 different sources of learning. We learnt about the different bad and good choices in the community. We then researched about the one thing that we wanted to learn more about. I chose to focus on the pollution around our community. Here is my presentation!

Friday, 25 May 2018

Play Based Learning

This term the teachers have decided to do play based learning. We are aiming to do this every day. Sometimes we do it with other classes as well. Play based learning is when your class gets to play with random junk. For our first week we used things like beans, blocks, sheets, boxes, maths equipment and many other things to enjoy. It would be much better is we had different objects to play with so that we don't get bored playing with the same things. The purpose of this is to help grow a creative imagination and keep our brain flowing with different ideas.

Did you know that when we play we are still learning new things! What do you think about play based learning? Have you done it before? Would you do it?

Thursday, 24 May 2018

Black Holes - The galaxies whirlpool

For reading my group worked with Miss Tupou. We read a small passage name Black Holes and we then answered questions that were provided with the texts and after doing that, we created a presentation that included 10 facts about black holes. Here is my slide.

Tuesday, 22 May 2018

Discovery For Kids!

A programme named Discovery For Kids came to our school to work with selected students. The programme ran for two days and I had the pleasure to be included in this event. We did a lot of fun activities and learned about many helpful things such as our comfort zone, confidence, success, being thankful for our parents/caregivers and many more. All of these activities have helped in many ways. I had much fun participating in this programme and I also got the chance to meet new people and make new friendly relationships with students from other schools! 

After our second day at Discovery we had a prize giving and each participant was given a certificate! My favourite part of the programme would be our line dancing! The loud music, smiling faces and the way everyone moved in beat to the rhythm! I had a fantastic time!

Tuesday, 15 May 2018

Waist Measurements in Room 11

For maths we have been focusing on Statistics. Miss Tupou worked with every group in the class. She gave us this problem.

"Adidas are wanting to sponsor GTS school uniforms for winter sports (senior school only). They are interested in information about different body sizes. Brainstorm things that could be measured - height, head circumference, handspan, waist, foot length".

After brainstorming, we collected our data in our groups. Each group chose what they wanted to measure and went off to do so. My group measured Room 11's waists. After everyone collected their data they used Google Sheets to create 3 different graphs including all our findings. I chose to do a column graph while my other group members did a pie and bar graph. Here is what I collected.

Friday, 11 May 2018

Lest We Forget

Miss Wrack gave Room 11 a task to give in wonderings that we may have on to a class padlet. Using 4-5 of those wonderings, we then needed to research for answers to those wondering and create a presentation to keep all our findings on. To give it even more engagement to the readers, I added in a  voiceover in the background of my presentation using Screencastify.

I really enjoyed this task because it included finding out more information about the Anzacs and the great war. I now know how World War 1 started and many more interesting facts about the Anzacs!
Did you know that ANZAC was an acronym for Australian and New Zealand Army Corps?
Here is my Screencastify/Presentation about the war and much more.

Friday, 4 May 2018

What is the Dawn Raids?

The Dawn Raids started in the 1970’s and ended in the early 1980’s. The police, pakeha and the pacific islanders were involved in this event. So what really happened? Well, when the white people had taken all the rich occupations - eg. doctors, nurses, lawyers and others. They needed some people to do the other jobs - eg. roadworks, janitors and factory work. So they decided to get the islanders to come and do it for them but they only had about 3 months and then they would be sent back to their home country. Some of them would hide and stay. When the police found out they would go searching for them and at the time of dawn they would break into their house and raid their property.

The pakeha were like this because they didn’t like seeing different coloured skins around them, especially on their land. Now that the dawn raids are all over, I think the white people that judged the pacific islanders would be looking back at the time of dawn raids and feeling embarrassed about the mistakes they have made and all the judging they had done about pacific people.

It was an awful time back then and I am glad it isn’t like that nowadays. Below is an image of my artwork and piece of writing about the Dawn Raids.

Life in a Trench!

In Room 11, we have been learning about World War 1 and the Anzac's. We have done many activities to do with Anzac Day and one of my personal favourites would be Room 11's life in a trench! 

Miss Tupou thought it would be a great idea to have Room 11 experience the life of a soldier at war and how it was like for them to live in trench. So here is what we did! We gathered all our tables and chairs together and covered them with sheets/tarpolin. We then spent most of the day working under our tables - writing letters to our parents at home as if we were a soldier in Gallipoli. Our trenches were very comfortable but I don't think the actual soldiers trenches were as comfy as ours! 

I think this was a fun challenge to do because we experienced how it was as a soldier when in a trench! Here are some images of Room 11's Life In A Trench!

Anzac Art!

In class we have been focusing on Anzac Day. We created pieces of art including our own anzac silhouettes. These silhouettes defined anything that had a relation to war. Behind our silhouettes we used pastels to create a sunrise or sunset affect. I chose to do the sunset using pink, purple and blue. 

I enjoyed creating these magnificent pieces of art as it was very fun and it shows the respect for soldiers. If I could change anything about my artwork, I would change the colour choice in the background to pink, orange and yellow because it defines the sunset a bit better. 

I chose this silhouette because it shows the given respect for those who have fought for New Zealand during the time of war.